Regular Meeting – September 2, 2014


           I.               CALL TO ORDER: The Regular Meeting of the Weaverville Fire Protection District was called to order by Chairman, Arden Potter at 16:00.  Members present: George Owen, and Bill Britton.  Members absent: Larry Helsley, and Mike Williams.  Others present: Chief Scott Alvord, and Clerk Lisa Guglielmina.


         II.               CONSENT AGENDA:

A.    Approve Regular Meeting Minutes of August 5, 2014 –

B.     Approve Warrant List and Journal Entries –

MSC Britton/Owen to approve the consent agenda as presented.


       III.               ACTION ITEMS:

A.        Discuss/Approve adjustments needed to hall rental prices due to increasing costs for liability insurance- Tabled from August 5, 2014 – Contract committee was unable to meet due to fires; tabled until October 7, 2014.

B.         Discuss/Approve options for Duty Officer Vehicle replacement and to increase the allotted amount to purchase one.  Fiscal impact $29,000.00 - $49,000.00. – Discussion on pricing, make, model, size of engine and height of truck.  It was suggested to have George Owen and Chief Alvord to weigh all the options and report back to the Board; tabled until October 7, 2014.

D.        Discuss/Approve Weaverville Community Services District to take full ownership and responsibility for all fire/water hydrants currently and forthcoming within the Weaverville Fire Protection District boundaries. – Chief Alvord and Wes from WCSD have had discussions on the hydrants being turned over to the Water District.  Need to come up with a contract.  MSC Britton/Owen to approve Chief Alvord to move forward to communicate and produce a contract for review with WCSD.



A.    Hazardous Reduction Progress Report: No word on funding yet.

B.     Fire Chief/Marshall Report:  

·        Public meeting on wildland fire

·        Cox Road complaint – now cleaned

·        Mill Street complaint – no more campers there

·        Barbara Avenue complaint – work in progress

·        Had to cancel fire inspections due to Coffee Fire, and July Complex

·        Behavioral Health inspection

·        Coffee, July Complex and Oregon fires

·        Communication issues – Communication Committee working on it

·        2112, and 2113 still need pump testing – did o.k. on the fire

·        2131 pump test issues – o.k. on fire, not on test

·        Damages to 2131 on fire

·        Driving test (Rodeo) – Chief will reconfigure the testing to match real life situations.

·        Station 2 – exterior is painted

·        Station 1 – Interior is painted

·        Station 1 floors to be completed the last week of September

·        State Farm Fire House – work in progress

·        Engine 2111 now has some wildland supplies on it

·        Discussion on readiness drills


C.    Fire Department Report: None   

D.    Sleeper Program Reports: Keith is back at Station 2; carpenter ant issue is being taken care of.  

E.     Committee Reports:

·        Recruitment Committee:  No report

·        Collection Committee: Payments received

·        Contract Committee: No report.

·        Tuition Committee: No report.

·        Budget Committee: Discussion on Gann Limit   

F.     Director Reports: No Report                                           


         V.               PUBLIC COMMENTS: None


       VI.               CORRESPONDENCE:   None     


     VII.               ADJOURNMENT: There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 17:00 hours.



__________________________                                    __________________________

    Arden Potter, Chairman                                            Lisa Guglielmina, Clerk of the Board